Friday, July 8, 2011

Jangan Tegur

Dalam komuniti Malaysia atau lebih spesifiknya Melayu hari ini, walaupun dah konon-konon moden tapi mereka masih lagi percaya kepada perkara-perkara tahyul dan khurafat. Antaranya ialah percaya manusia boleh jadi malaikat. Err ada ke yang rasa macam tu? Jawapannya, ya ada sebab tu aku cakap macam tu.

Perasan tak, bila kita tegur orang je nanti mesti orang tu balas "kau tu bukannya baik sangat pun". Aku agak confuse di situ, aku memang tak baik sangat pun dan aku takkan jadi baik gila tanpa dosa sebab aku bukan malaikat dan aku takkan jadi malaikat. So, adakah kau bermaksud yang manusia tak boleh tegur kau? Malaikat je boleh? Kalau macam tu, sila tunggu Malaikat Izrail datang, waktu dia tegur kau tu kau boleh transfer ke alam lain.

Jawapan klise yang lagi satu kita selalu dengar ialah, "kubur lain-lain". Ye, memang kubur lain-lain sebab tu aku kena tegur kau sebab nanti Allah akan tanya aku sama ada aku tegur tak saudara seIslam, tak pernah dengar ke hadis...

"Sesiapa di antara kamu melihat sesuatu kejahatan, maka hendaklah is mengubahnya dengan tangannya, sekiranya tidak sanggup hendaklah dengan lisannya dan sekiranya tidak sanggup hendaklan dengan hatinya. Yang demikian itu adalah selemah-lemah iman."
(Riwayat Muslim)

Tapi aku faham juga kenapa ramai orang melenting bila kena tegur. Lagi-lagi bila kena tegur perkara sensitif. Jadi, cara menegur pun perlu dititik beratkan juga. Memang la ramai orang melenting bila kena tegur sebab cara kau tegur tu macam mencabar orang. Aku sendiri pun kadang-kadang susah nak terima bila orang tegur aku.

Macam bila mak aku marah aku, nanti aku marah mak aku sebab marah aku lepas tu mak aku marah aku balik sebab aku marah dia sebab marah aku. Lepastu mak aku menangis sebab dia emo aku marah dia, lepas tu aku menangis sebab tengok mak aku menangis. Last-last bila bapa aku keluar bilik air, confuse dia tengok semua orang tengah menangis.

Jadi, waktu nak tegur orang tolong lah jaga suara. Kalau boleh jangan tinggikan suara. Gunakan suara mendatar atau lebih elok lagi suara lembut. Pasti kan niat menegur tu betul, bukan sebab kita nak sabotaj dia.

Kemudian, bila tegur tu kalau boleh cakap straight to the point. Tak payah nak berbunga-bunga sangat. Make it short and direct. Nak nya dah aku kata tegur dengan suara lembut, kau tegur dengan suara lemah gemalai, lepas tu cakap berbunga-bunga panjang berjela, kalau dapat ke bapa aku confirm dia dah tidur half way kau cakap tu.

Bila aku kata direct, maksudnya direct ye. Bukan dengan cara sinis atau sarkastik. Semua orang pun mesti lah hot kalau kau setakat nak tegur dia jangan bising je tapi kau cakap, "tahu lah mulut kau lagi besar dari Julia Roberts, tapi nak kena tunggu aku stapler mulut ke baru reti nak diam?". Aku rasa takde siapa suka kena tegur macam tu.

Dan yang paling penting sekali dalam menegur orang, pastikan korang memakai gigi palsu. Ini mungkin agak tak relevan sekarang tetapi lagi 30-40 tahun nanti bila korang dah hilang gigi baru korang faham.

Sebab waktu tu korang nak marah cucu tapi tak pakai gigi palsu, jadi dia tak faham. Jadi dia hanya mampu duduk ternganga dan cuba figure out apa yang korang cakapkan. Lepastu, korang marah lagi sebab dia ternganga. Urgh, tension.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Little Reminder

Of sitting on this chair and resting my weight against it. Staring on a multicolored screen that lies within my dense pupil of my round retina. My thoughts are scrambling over a million random things which focuses on nothing. Somehow, I choose to continue dancing my fingers over these tiny letters on my keyboard.

Should I publish this post, my thoughts would no longer be mine alone. Instead, for every brain cells that have worked on inventing these mere sentences which comes from the simple words of my vocabulary, I shall share my thoughts - nothing worth reading after all.

But I could have changed that. And I choose to changing it now. Little did I realize, everything that I'm doing now have been destined and written all along on the Lawh al Mahfuz.

For I am human. Mere mortals that only live to be the slave of My Lord. But I keep forgetting that. Breathing the air using these borrowed alveolus of lungs doesn't seem to be enough of a reminder for an ungrateful slave like myself. Have He not remind me to be? So He does...

Verily, We have shown him the way: [and it rests with him to prove himself] either grateful or ungrateful. [76:3]

Alas, I write this post intended to make it as a little reminder lest I (and you) stray our minds away from The Creator. With the willing of Allah, should you read this post, I hope it would bring your mind to something worthy of remembering - Thy Lord. Let this post be a short, pointless post but so long as you and I are reminded of Allah SWT, we would be rewarded for it. InshaAllah.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

By (the Token of) Time

Verily Man is in loss

Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tolong Senyap

Aku rasa macam kebelakangan ni aku macam dah kurang bercakap sikit. Err, kenapa ya? Sebab aku tak tahu nak cakap apa kot. Gila tak kreatif jawapan. Mungkin juga sebab aku nak kurangkan dosa tak nak cakap benda merepek dah ataupun sebab aku nak lebihkan masa berfikir dari bercakap atau mungkin kerana aku duduk rumah sorang-sorang, nak cakap dengan siapa pulak kan.

Ye, sebab kalau aku tak sorang-sorang aku banyak cakap juga sebenarnya. Lagi-lagi dengan kawan rapat aku, kalau aku mula bercerita memang penuh gaya macam masuk pidato. Tambahan lagi dengan aku yang Little-Miss-Sarcastic ni, kalau bercerita tak sah kalau tak exaggerate. Contohnya, kalau aku jalan jalan kat MSU lepastu ternampak diri aku sendiri, mesti balik rumah aku cerita...

"Tadi kan waktu pergi MSU aku nampak ada satu pompuan ni hitam gile. Dah lah hitam, pastu pakai baju, tudung, skirt, kasut hitam pulak tu. Sekali pandang dah macam bayang-bayang tanpa tuannya. Dua kali pandang macam lembaga hitam pun ade gak. Kalau blackout mesti dia hilang dalam kegelapan, kesian mak bapak dia bila black out je kehilangan anak dia."

Jadi, bila difikir-fikir kan mungkin ada juga eloknya aku kurangkan bercakap ni. Almaklumlah, mengata orang memang berdosa. Lagi-lagi kalau mengata macam kat atas tu. Tolong la jangan mengata orang macam tu. Sedih tau. Tsk. Lagipun kan Rasulullah dah pesan...

"Wahai orang yang beriman dengan lidahnya tetapi belum beriman dengan hatinya! Janganlah kamu mengumpat kaum muslim, dan janganlah kamu mengintip-intip keaibannya. Sesungguhnya sesiapa yang mengintip keaiban saudaranya, maka Allah akan mengintip keaibannya, dan dia akan mendedahkannya, meskipun dia berada dalam rumahnya sendiri"
(H.R. Abu Daud)

Memang tak elok betul perangai aku yang satu tu, moga-moga lepas ni berubah la. InsyaAllah, amin.

Tapi bila aku tak mengata orang, aku jadi tak tahu nak cakap pasal apa. Hehe. Sebab kalau setakat bercakap sebab nak break the ice je memang aku malas nak layan. Jadi, aku selalu end up senyum simpul bila orang cakap dengan aku. Lagi-lagi annoying stranger yang banyak cakap dan suka tanya soalan bodoh. Bila aku senyum tu bukan sebab aku malu ke apa ye, aku senyum sebab dalam hati aku rasa macam nak stapler mulut annoying stranger tu.

Annoying Stranger (AS): Tak makan ke?
Syarcastic Syarah (SS): Buta ke hapa? Nampak macam aku tengah makan ke? Kalau aku tengah makan pun macam mana aku nak jawab, tak belajar ke yang tak boleh bercakap waktu tengah makan? Semak betul la.

Tapi tu dalam hati la, yang sebenarnya aku hanya sekadar senyum simpul dan jawab "Errr, tak."

Ataupun kalau waktu tu aku tengah makan, nanti kena tanya lagi...

AS: Sedap?
SS: Boleh la, rasa macam taik sikit tapi terpaksa lah telan bukannya ada banyak sangat cafe kat MSU ni pun. Nak tak nak, kena la juga makan. Kalau tak makan kebulur pulak nanti.

Tapi in reality, aku hanya jawab sampai boleh la.

Nampak tak? Jadi, annoying stranger sekalian tolong la jangan tanya soalan bodoh, penat la nak jawab. Sekurang-kurang nya kalau aku malas nak jawab aku boleh lagi senyum simpul dan mengangguk atau geleng atau balas sepatah. Kalau dapat ke mak aku, lagi dia tak jawab terus. Tambahan lagi kalau waktu tu dia tengah pening.

Bukan pening "pening" ye tapi pening "Yang-I-pening-la". Macam bila bapa aku hisap rokok dalam kereta nanti mak aku akan mula la "Yang-I-pening-la". Ataupun bila bapa aku ajak pergi mandi sungai atau pergi picnic atau pergi dinner atau waktu balik kampung. Err, apa-apa je la yang bapak aku ajak nanti mesti mak aku "Yang-I-pening-la". Jadi, waktu kitorang pergi Port Dickson untuk reunion ex-Putra bapa aku, mak aku macam biasa la kan dengan "Yang-I-pening-la" dia tu.

Lepas tu bila sampai-sampai je duduk kat depan satu mak cik ni yang banyak cakap gila. Mak aku tak jawab sepatah haram pun tapi dia tak putus-putus tanya soalan. Dah mak aku tak jawab, dia pergi tanya kat aku pulak. Adoi, lemah betul. Kang aku berjangkit "Yang-I-pening-la" kang, haram apa dia tak dapat.

Kitorang pun cepat-cepat lah pergi dari situ, ambil kunci dan berkurung dalam kereta. Moral of the story, tolong la jangan kacau mak aku bila dia tengah "Yang-I-pening-la". Moral ke dua, kalau takde apa yang elok nak bercakap, lebih baik diam.

Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu anhu, sesungguhnya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam telah bersabda : “Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia berkata baik atau diam, barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tetangga dan barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tamunya”.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hari Jadi

Setahun sekali, akan tiba waktu hari di mana kita dilahirkan di muka bumi ini. Eh macam salah je ayat tu, bunyi macam kita dilahirkan setiap tahun pula. Ok, mari bina ayat semula.

Setahun sekali, akan tiba hari dimana kita meraikan hari kelahiran kita di muka bumi ini. Pada hari tersebut, baru lah kita dapat berhubung dengan rakan taulan dan kenalan yang kita hanya tegur pada hari jadi, hari raya dan hari kahwin. Pada hari tersebut barulah ada orang nak tulis dekat wall Facebook yang selama hari ini berhabuk dan bersawang.

Dengan itu, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Facebook sebab mengingatkan semua orang tentang hari jadi saya.

Selain meingingatkan semua orang tentang hari jadi aku, Facebook juga membolehkan rakan taulan menulis di wall aku. Jadi, bilangan orang yang nak hantar SMS atau call semakin berkurangan dalam setiap hari jadi yang mendatang.

Perkara ini memang menguntungkan semua pihak sebab tak perlu lagi membazir SMS penghantar dan penerima. Tak rasa membazir ke nak balas SMS bertulis "Tq" atau "K" atau "K, tq."?

Bila orang call lagi la membazir sebab nanti lepas orang yang menelefon tu mengucapkan selamat hari jadi dan aku hanya mampu jawab terima kasih sebab waktu kecil dahulu aku hanya belajar cakap "Please" dan "Thank you". Jadi lepas mengucapkan terima kasih aku terus terdiam dan dia pun terdiam dan suasana menjadi hening seketika dan kekok lama sebab dia expect aku cakap lagi tapi otak aku memerelukan masa yang lebih lama untuk memikirkan ayat yang sesuai untuk diucapkan.

Situasi macam ni paling sering berlaku sewaktu aku bercakap telefon dengan bapak aku. Bila mana aku sudah kembali ke tanah air tetapi keluarga aku masih berada di UK. Setiap kali bapa aku menelefon aku, dia hanya mampu bertanya soalan am seperti "Dah dapat elaun?" dan aku hanya menjawab "dah" dan kemudian suasana terus menjadi hening. Dua dua pihak terdiam sebab dua dua pun sama tak reti nak berborak. Sehinggalah aku terbatuk sikit atau cakap "Hmmm" lepastu ayah terus bertanya "Apa dia?" dan aku pun jawab takde apa apa lepastu suasana kembali menjadi hening dan kami terus terdiam lagi hinggalah bontot aku lenguh atau tangan aku berpeluh baru lah aku tanya ada apa apa lagi tak dan barulah situasi kekok kuasa 3 itu berakhir.

Nasib baik la sekarang mereka dah pulang ke tanah air jadi tak perlu lah bapa aku nak call lagi dan menghadapi situasi kekok tersebut lagi. Namun begitu, aku tetap mempunyai rakan taulan dan kenalan lain di sana yang cuba menghubungi aku semula sekembalinya aku ke tanah air.

Mula-mula berhubung semula di Facebook memang rasa agak teruja sedikit sebab dapat catch up dan berborak borak sampai tak tahu nak borak apa dah sampai terpaksa cakap yang aku kena pergi dulu semata-mata nak tamatkan perbualan tetapi lebih pelik sebab cakap je nak kena pergi tapi masih online lagi.

Kemudian, bila nak berborak lagi aku memang dah kekeringan idea nak cakap tentang apa tapi dia tak putus asa asyik tegur aku je sampai akhirnya aku terpaksa appear offline dekat mereka. Nasib baik mereka tak faham Bahasa Melayu jadi boleh lah luahkan perasaan di sini.

Tetapi sekali sekala kena juga lah merajinkan diri melayan mereka. Kalau hari kahwin tu orang panggil raja sehari, hari jadi ni macam artis sehari. Tak kisahlah siapa pun yang menegur dan nak berborak kita kena lah layan juga. Tambahan lagi untuk orang yang sudah meningkat usia menjadi 20 tahun, mungkin dia patut belajar untuk berborak dengan orang supaya tak jadi social outcast sangat dah.

Tak sangka, hari yang dinanti-nantikan sudah tiba. Berusia 20 tahun bererti aku bukan lagi remaja belasan tahun. Aku sudah menjadi dewasa dan penantian aku sejak kecil yang teringin nak jadi dewasa sudah tamat. Aku memang tak sabar menunggu detik ini sebab bapak aku selalu cakap bila dah besar nanti aku jadi putih. Malangnya tak pun. Tsk.

Sama ada aku ditipu bapa aku lagi atau dia ingatkan anak dia ni anak itik yang kecil-kecil ugly duckling dah besar boleh jadi beautiful swan. T_T

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Ugly Truth

I used to get hate mails from my haters referring to me as 'Ugly Syarah'. It used to make me sad but I get over it. Come to think of it, it's pretty catchy. Kinda like Ugly Betty. Only better. If Ugly Betty were to make a Malay version of the soap, they should name it Ugly Syarah. Then I would have to star in it.

Then, when I won ABPBH award, I could thanks my haters for coming up with such a catchy name. Though I don't think that's what they intended to do. If I read the whole hate message, it sounded more like an attempt to insult me. But why insult using a fact? Its like calling a fat person fat. Its not an insult. Its just fact. Like Fat Joe and Big Momma. They wouldn't call themselves fat if they think of it as an insult. Or calling a thin person skinny. Like Twiggy. Its not an insult. Its more of a trade mark and its definitely catchy too.

I am not living in denial. I know how I look like and its anything but pretty. I look in the mirror everyday. Sometimes I'd say things like "OMG! I'm so pretty!" to my reflection but only to entertain myself because then I'll get to laugh uproariously. Its a good kick start to my day.

Sure, all you nice people who are reading this would probably say things like 'beauty is subjective' or 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Well, that is true but most of us have pretty much the same idea of how pretty should look like. I.e.

If I say that the first picture is ugly and the 2nd picture is pretty, I'm sure most people would agree with me. Unless that beholder's pair of eyes are terribly damaged. See? We do have general guideline of what beautiful is.

Why are girls constantly pressured to be pretty or think that they're pretty? From magazines to media and parents and just about everything. There's even a song trying to convince people that they're pretty. Yup, I'm talking about that song 'Who Says' by Selena Gomez. What is the message of that song? Is she trying to convince everyone that they're perfect? Because they're not. No one is.

Its like telling a cat that its a dog. No matter how much you taught it to bark and do other doggie stuff with it, it'll never turn into a dog. The cat could believe that its a dog. But by the end of the day it still is a cat.

Thinking and believing that you're pretty couldn't change any feature of your face. Plus, what's so bad about being ugly? Worse things could happen to you. Like being handicapped or disabled or mentally retarded. Being ugly doesn't make you an inferior human being. You are capable of doing things like pretty people too, maybe you can even do it better. If you still think that being ugly is unfortunate, then I'll tell you some advantages of being ugly.

First of all, being ugly means that you are not distracting people with your beauty. Have you seen pretty people who would just turn out pretty no matter what they wear? Its like their effort of dressing up is worthless. Then they couldn't be models because people would just stare at their faces instead of the clothes. Hooray for ugly people! Yay me!

The next best thing about being ugly is that I don't have to be nice to people. When you're pretty and you start making attitude to the people who are nice to you people would instantly label you sombong. As for ugly people, it would be okay if they don't treat them nicely. People just don't care because they're ugly.

Being pretty is like giving everyone the license to stare at you. If you're pretty, you can't be mad when people are looking at you. Because everyone like to look at pretty people. Old people, young people, girls, boys, babies, cats - everyone like looking at pretty people. But if you're ugly and people start looking at you, you could just give them the what-are-you-looking-at? stare and they would instantly look away. Isn't that nice? I did that all the time. If I'm pretty I wouldn't be able to do that.

See, being ugly is fun too. :D

Ugly people might not have a beautiful face. But if you beautify your mind and heart, then you would get something better....a beautiful soul.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On Boyfriends

Whenever I met a relative or an old friend or a phone call from an acquaintance whom I can hardly recall their name they would always ask the same question, "Dah ada boyfriend?" or "Hows your boyfriend?" or "Tell me about your love life". Which would be replied with a "Mana ada" and "Takde boyfriend pun" and "Non-existent", every single time.

So why bother asking? I bet you know what the answer is gonna be. Its like meeting someone and saying "My Lord, you've grown so much!" its just another way of saying "I'm so glad someone else is fatter than me". Well I don't get that a lot but I do say that a lot and it never fail to make me relieved every time. So instead of asking such questions why don't you just jump on the main point and say "I know you're a loser with no boyfriend so let me tell you about mine." Then I could just save my voice for something better.

Though maybe a minority of my friends who ask such questions really do meant what they are saying and is sincerely interested to know about it. But why? Hmmm. Well, if you're one of those who are sincerely interested to know why. Here I'll tell you.

Well, in the first place how should I get a boyfriend? Do guys kneel and present you a ring and ask if you would like to be his girlfriend? Or do they get their family to come over to your house and merisik you to become their girlfriend? Is that how it works? No? Do you read this sentence with your eyes rolling wondering how I turned so dumb? If that so, lets just skip this.

Say one day I do get a boyfriend which falls from the sky (really? the sky? what is he? an alien? never mind). What should I do with him? I mean, what should we talk about? I heard people saying that a good boyfriend is one who can act both as a boyfriend and a bestfriend. So maybe I should treat him like one of my bestfriend. We always talk about other girls or talk about her boyfriend and of course fashion.

Though I don't want to talk to him about some godforsaken girl who he doesn't know or I couldn't ask him how his boyfriend is doing. I guess I'm left with fashion. I'm always enthusiastic and excited everytime I find a great fashion find. I could talk about it for hours. Great. This could work. I could text him something like this....

"OMG! I just bought the most breathtakingly beautiful fishtail top from Forever 21!"

Would he be psyched about that? Hmm I'd probably just get a reply like this...

"What are you doing with fishtail? Why are you saying you're 21. You're not. Honey, I think you're delusional. We should break up."

Oh, that would be bad. I wouldn't wanna break up that early, it'll leave a bad impression on my love history. So if he doesn't speak fashion maybe I should start speaking his language. Like football. Yeah. Football is good. I know a thing or two about football. I know a lot of football players. I even know their wives. Footballers are really hot.

"Sayang, are you watching football now? Its MU playing. Christiano Ronaldo is so hot!"

Then he'd reply,

"I know, I feel like ripping his shirt off."

Or not. Because if he does then it'd just be awkward or I'll find out that he's actually gay. Then people would write up my first love story on Mastika. Sigh. I wouldn't want that to happen. Well, if we don't have any common interest, what else should we talk about? I heard some couples text each other by the end of the day and tell them how their day went. Its the same concept of having a diary. Just that this would cost a lot more than a thick scented book.

Well, what if my days are boring? I don't wanna bore him. Plus, I never had a diary, I never know what to write in them. I envied my sister who does have one. Her days seem so interesting and memorable. So I did get a diary once because it have cute snoopy sketch at every page but I never write anything in it except for a couple of page worth of a huge writing saying "I HATE ****" which I probably wrote when I was pissed at her.

So should I do the same with my boyfriend? Should I text him in caps lock whenever I'm mad at someone or should I just call him and scream it out loud? Well, that doesn't sound so romantic. I don't think anyone would like that. This is getting so hard. I don't know what to do with my boyfriend. It couldn't get any worse.

Or it could. You know some couples even text their spouse all day long? I literally mean it. All day long. All. Day. Long. While they are driving and walking and breathing and eating. What do they text anyway?

"Sayang, what are you doing?
"I'm eating."
"What are you eating?"
"Cool. So what are you doing now?"
"I'm chewing."

Well, that could probably lead to an endless texts of pointless conversations but it wouldn't be a very fun activity for me to be doing with my boyfriend. Sigh. I should just give up. I suck at being a girlfriend.

I don't think I'll ever get a boyfriend. Wait, I shouldn't say that. So I'm taking it back or maybe I should just hit the backspace key now. Either way, you get my point. My apologies. I shouldn't say never. Because we never know what might happen in the future.

However, if howsoever I did get a boyfriend and whosoever that is unfortunate enough to be my significant other would have to be a very patient man. BIG TIME.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Islamic Schools

Do you know how the education system in Malaysia works? Well, if you don't its pretty simple. Basically, there's primary school for children up to 12 years old and then there is secondary school until they reach 17 years old. There is also an optional sixth form for those who wouldn't mind being tormented in school a little longer. That's it. The end. Full stop. You get all the education you need and then its up to you to do whatever you wish.

But wait, where is the slot for Islamic school? Isn't the majority of Malaysians are Muslims?

The answer for that question is a yes but don't you know that Islamic education isn't all that important compared to academic education? Well that is, until your sweet little child turn out to be a nightmare. Only then they would consider sending them to Islamic schools.

Somehow, parents just have a somewhat wild fantasy that once they send their mischievous child to an Islamic school, they would magically turn out to be an angel by the time they pick them up. I wonder, do they think that these schools perform magic? Because I have no idea what makes them think so. I see no magician guy in an Islamic school. Guy with a black cape. No. Guy with a tall black hat. Nope. Guy with a fold able black cane. Nada. Guy with tall black hat taking out a rabbit from his hat. Definitely no sight of that.

Well maybe these parents are just being optimistic. When they see how wonderful the teachers are, they just assume that they could read some spells and magically turn their children into little angels. Well if that really works then maybe we could just send criminals to school. By the time they serve their time they would be angels. So we wouldn't have to put them on parole or worry that they might perform another crime.

Just imagine how much we could save by sending them to school instead of prison. No more subsidy for orange jumpsuits. Say one orange jumpsuit costs RM20. A thousand prisoner would cost the government RM20000. That is just one prison. For another four prisons that would sum up a total cost of RM100,000. Heck, that's a lot of money!

So why don't the government implement this great idea of mine? Do they not believe in magic? Or at least they don't think that Islamic schools can perform magic. Or maybe because I haven't told them so about this. Sigh. Never mind.

In the end, when the magic does work and their child is finally changing for the better, they would simply take them out of the school. In a split second, just like that. Ding! That's another magic for ya. One minute you're in and the next you're out.

So when they start growing up and actually hits puberty they no longer have a spiritual education to guide their morale. But instead they were only thought about basic Islamic stuff when they were child and left hanging without a guidance once they become teenager. While teenage years are actually the most vulnerable period of your life. A good child doesn't always stay good neither is a naughty child would remain naughty until their adulthood. But a problematic teenager might turn into a troubled adult if they are not guided properly.

Moreover, do your really think that children would remember everything they learn when they were young? Ask yourself, do you remember everything you learn in primary school? Can you answer me if I ask you, "What is an anthropoid?" I guess not. Or even if you do, most of us don't. If you don't believe me you should start watching "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?".

In the end, we would be growing a generation of confused teenagers who are not sure of their identity. Their role in this world as khalifah of Allah are not known let alone performing it. Sure, they could probably learn some Islamic stuff when they gain the concern to learn more about it. But only when they are mature enough to figure that. What if they don't? Whats worse is what if they die before they got the chance to learn all that.

Then, when you die what would you answer in front of Allah when He asks if you have educate your children about Islam?